Four Perfect Pebbles
Nonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | Middle Grade | Published in 1996
Four Perfect Pebbles: A Holocaust Story follows Marion Blumenthal Lazan's harrowing childhood during the Holocaust, detailing her family's persecution under Nazi Germany, their attempts to flee, and subsequent imprisonment in multiple concentration camps. Utilizing games for psychological resilience, her odyssey spans survival, liberation, and eventual emigration to the United States.
Four Perfect Pebbles by Lila Perl and Marion Blumenthal Lazan earns praise for its heartfelt, personal recounting of Holocaust survival, offering a poignant, educational experience. Critics highlight its accessibility for young readers. Some note that the narrative occasionally lacks depth. Overall, it is a moving, effective introduction to this grim history.
Readers who are drawn to Four Perfect Pebbles by Lila Perl and Marion Blumenthal Lazan will appreciate personal, historical memoirs about resilience and survival during the Holocaust. Fans of The Diary of Anne Frank or Night by Elie Wiesel, which also depict the harrowing experiences of young individuals during this period, will find this book compelling.
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